December Photo Challenge

I think one of the most important reasons to take photos is to tell your family’s story. We build the narrative day by day, shot by shot, until we can look back through an album (in our hands or on our phone) and see our story. Sometimes it’s easy to forget to add a page into that story each day. We’re busy. Our to do list is growing longer and longer. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem like there’s anything memorable to be taking photos of. But a day spent on the couch watching Christmas movies is just as worthy of a photo as a day dressed up to see Santa. I’ve put together this December Photo Challenge to help you remember to see those small moments as well as the big ones.

December Photo Challenge-Photos Scattered

Commit to taking an intentional photo every single day of this month using the prompts below. If it doesn’t directly apply to your life, make it yours. Some are specific, some are not. Interpret them in your own way and start telling the story of your family, one photo at a time. 

✔️ Click here to grab a printable calendar to put on your fridge or download to your phone.

⭐ Bonus Points if you share your photos on IG with the hashtag #emilysphotochallenge. I’ll be keeping an eye out for them!

December Photo Challenge-Christmas Tree

December Photo Challenge:

Day 1-Your child sleeping

Day 2- Your child brushing their teeth

Day 3- Your house with evening light pouring in through the windows.

Day 4- Your spouse interacting with your child

Day 5- Your kitchen after cooking dinner….before cleaning up

Day 6- Your family at dinner

Day 7-Your child putting on shoes

Day 8- Your pet looking out the window

Day 9-Bath time

Day 10-Cooking/Baking

Day 11-Snuggling

Day 12-Everyone piled into one bed

Day 13-Family Feet

Day 14-Your child playing with his/her favorite toy

Day 15- Your child and his/her favorite book

Day 16-Each child’s bedroom in morning light

Day 17-Coffee

Day 18-You

Day 19-You and your spouse

Day 20-You and your child

Day 21-Breakfast

Day 22-Your child in a bad mood

Day 23-Washing your child’s hair

Day 24-Family Tradition

Day 25-A family Christmas tree shot

Day 26-Reading

Day 27-Wedding rings

Day 28-Dancing

Day 29-Folding laundry

Day 30-Giggles

Day 31- Kissing

Ok, we’re already on day 2 of the December Photo Challenge, so you’ve got a little extra homework today. I’ll check back in at the end of the month! Get to snappin’!

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Joyful, fresh photos that tell a story. 

 Photos Done Right

Columbia, sc



© emily ann photography 2021

emily ann photography