Are you expecting a little one soon, or still buzzing with excitement after seeing those two life-changing lines? I know…expecting a baby can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I’ve put together my top 6 tips to help you prepare for your newborn.

Here’s the plan: I’ll break it down into manageable steps and share these tips with you over the next few weeks. If you’re not already on my email list, you’ll want to click this link & join in so you don’t miss a thing. (Plus, I know you’re going to want the freebies I have coming your way!)
As a mom who’s experienced the newborn phase three times (yes, 3 🙃), I’ve picked up a few tips & tricks you may not have considered.
Let’s get started!
Tip #1: Prepare for Your Newborn By Decluttering Your Home
Decluttering your home might sound like a boring or unnecessary task, especially when you’ve got bigger things on your mind (you know, like labor & delivery…). But getting your space ready for your little one is easier than you think, and this simple step can make a huge difference in the long run.
Trust me-once your baby arrives, decluttering will be the last thing on your mind! (I’ve been meaning to clean out that hall closet since 2011…so don’t be like me).

Step 1: Choose two or three rooms where you spend the most time.
Most likely this will be your living room, kitchen and bedroom.
Step 2: Start by noticing where things tend to pile up.
For me, that’s always been the place for what I call my “Limbo Laundry”: it hasn’t been worn enough to be washed, but it’s been worn enough to not go back in the closet.
Maybe I tried it on, but decided on something else…into the Limbo Laundry pile it goes…you see how that might become a problem…😬. Now take a few minutes to make “a home” for the piles. For example, designate a laundry basket for only Limbo Laundry. This helps keep the pile contained.
Remember: Everything needs a home!
⭐ Mail and other paperwork can pile up quickly on the kitchen counter, especially when the baby is needing your attention. It’s amazing how a cute little home for these can actually encourage me to be more organized. (Hey, I like it pretty.🤷♀️)
Move room to room & go through each drawer, cabinet or shelf and ask yourself a couple of questions:
‘When have I last used this?’
‘If I were moving into a new home, would I want to bring this with me?’
Make quick, decisive decisions and don’t look back! Remember, you’re about to welcome a whole new person into your home and as little as that person is, he/she comes with a lot of stuff. Take time now to make a little margin in your home.
Step 3: Sort everything into 3 piles
Marie Kondo calls them, “Keep, Donate, Toss”.
The biggest task for me is often just setting aside the time to do it. But it always feels amazing for so long afterward!
Turn on some music & make your favorite something to sip on to make it fun. Ask a friend to come over and help, or….hire it out!
Step 4: Finish the Job
Ok now this step is critical-once you have everything sorted, actually finish 👏 the 👏 job 👏. (Yep, this step gets me every time.)
Keeping something? Put it in its home.
Donating it? Bag it up and put it in your car.
Tossing it? Walk it to the trash.
Too many times I’ve done everything else, just to stop at this step. 🤦♀️

There’s a project called “Buy Nothing” that can be a fantastic way to gift the things you don’t want to someone in your community who does want it. Who knows? (Maybe you’ll even find some things you’ve been looking for as you prepare for your newborn.)
Neighbors pick things up from your doorstep, which saves you a trip to donate. Plus, it feels good knowing you’ve found a good home for your things!
A quick FB search for “buy nothing” will likely bring up one where you live. If you don’t find one, consider starting a group!
Follow these steps to tackle your clutter and prepare a calm and cozy spacey for your newborn baby.
Best of all, it will give you peace of mind, allowing you to kick up your feet & fully enjoy these special last moments before your little one’s arrival.
Stay tuned for Tip #2 next week!
If you’re looking for a maternity or newborn photographer in Columbia, SC, click here to discover my soft & colorful storytelling approach to capturing these special moments.

P.S. Here’s a link to one of my very favorite newborn sessions from this past summer. Get ready to swoon! 😍
**Please note that these affiliate links may be included in this post, meaning I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase. I only link to items I truly love and recommend.
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