Ever feel like a deer in headlights when someone aims a camera in your direction? I get it. To this day, I suddenly feel myself tense up when I’m having my picture taken. Today I’m sharing 5 posing hacks to make you look your best in your next photos.
When I first started out, I tried not to be too “bossy” during photo sessions and let my clients position themselves how they wanted for the most part. But over the years, I’ve found that my clients want someone to give them direction. In fact, that’s a big reason why they hired me in the first place. They want to know how they should stand and what on earth to do with their hands. And I’m here for it. Now I work hard to lead them into positions that are natural, but in ways that are going to make them look their best.
I have a friend who’s very insightful. She stops and thinks through things that most people wouldn’t even notice and she’s always giving me her thoughts and feedback. In fact, this blog post was her idea. After a long text chain about how she liked how I posed her during our last photo session, she suggested I share these ideas with all of you.
So here are 5 of my favorite posing “hacks”. Hope they’re helpful to you next time you just don’t know what to do with that rogue arm:
- ALWAYS do something with your hands. If you leave them dangling at your sides, it’s bound to look awkward in the photo. I usually ask guys to tuck them in their pockets or wrap an arm around their wife and pull her in close. Ladies, you can also tuck them in a pocket if you have them. If not, gather a bit of your skirt in your free hand, tuck your hair behind your ear, or rest them in your lap.

- Know your good side. Do you have one? Whether you know it or not, you probably do. If you looked back through photos and marked the ones you love, you’ll probably start to see a pattern. Most women prefer the side of their face where their hair is parted. I’ve found that most men don’t care, so I always set up the shot to flatter the girl first. (Sorry guys!)

- Don’t show the bottoms of your feet. One of my favorite shots during my in-home newborn sessions is to pile everyone on the bed. I’m careful to angle legs so that the bottoms of feet are not showing. The bottoms of your shoes or toes are not usually the first thing you want to notice in a photo (unless they’re super cute baby toes).

- Fill the gap. I’m always reminding my clients to snuggle in a little closer. Closeness shows connection and while it can feel natural to leave a little personal space, I say closer is better in photos. Slide your arm around your husband’s waist, pull your girl in a little tighter, and tuck your son in under your arm.

- Know your angles. Girls…this one’s for you too! Lean in close, because I’ve got a couple of “skinny tricks” for you. You know you want them.
- Angle your feet about 45 degrees from the camera instead of facing it straight on.
- Put your weight on your back leg.
- Pop that front knee just enough to put a bend in it.
- Twist your shoulders back toward the camera, pinching in your waist.
- Lean your torso toward the camera JUST a bit.
- Bam! You’re suddenly pounds lighter (not that you needed to be) and you look really cute too!

BONUS TIP for the Guys: While your girl’s busy angling herself this way and that, you just face straight onto the camera. It’ll accentuate the broadness of your shoulders, and that always looks good on a guy.
So that’s it…..5 posing hacks to look your best during your next photo session…or Instagram pics. Plus if you come see me for photos, I can guarantee that I’ve got a few more up my sleeve.
Until Next Time!

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