Fall for Your Camera Again

Fall is my favorite. Yeah..I know, it’s just about everyone’s favorite, but I don’t even care. I’m more than ready to trade in the hot, sweaty summer for a cool, crisp fall…ready to toss my shorts & t-shirts in favor of sweaters and boots and even ready to trade in my iced coffee for something hot & spicy. 

Fall is also my favorite time of year for photos. There’s something about the early sunsets and cool air that make me want to grab my camera and walk around outside. I love the warm colors and textures that this season brings. 

So today, I just want to encourage you to pick up your camera again.

Maybe you’re like me and feel like the last few months have been a blur. They have. I don’t know where exactly they went and I can’t even tell you what exactly I spent my time doing. (Tracking Amazon packages?) I don’t know.

I can tell you that I’ve been slacking with personal photo projects. But I’m going to pull it together this month…this season. So can you.

My now 8 year old when he was just 3. 😭

Let’s start easy…just get out your camera and sit it somewhere you’ll see it everyday (and out of reach of little hands). 

Next, plan to take one photo a day. Just one (more if you want), but start with one. The key is to make it intentional. My favorite way to do this is to follow some sort of plan or prompt, so I put together a fall photo checklist for you (grab it below).

Print it out and put it on your fridge. Follow it closely or loosely, but make it your own. 

Mix it up and focus on objects some days and people others. At the end of the 30 days you’ll have a great variety of photos that tell your fall story and may be a renewed love for your camera. 

And if you want to dive even deeper into getting to know that fancy camera of yours, you can grab your FREE copy of Getting to Know Your Camera: A Starter Kit.

TIP: Create a collage out of your fall photos and frame it. Pull it out each year as one of your fall decorations.

Until Next Time,

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Joyful, fresh photos that tell a story. 

 Photos Done Right

Columbia, sc



© emily ann photography 2021

emily ann photography