Learning to Use Your Camera

I often have people ask me how I got started in photography or confide in me that they are interested in giving it a try one day. They think it sounds fun or they remember loving that photography course in high school. They used to shoot film once upon a time or sometimes dream of quitting their job to try their hand at it.

Usually the biggest thing stopping them from starting is…they don’t know how to use their camera.

I get it. Digital cameras are not intuitive. They are not iPhones and you can definitely mess up the pictures with the wrong settings. But they are also really powerful and with a few tweaks of the dials, you can find yourself with pretty incredible images. 

When I started to learn my camera, I took it one step at a time. I started with learning the parts and what they do, then moved onto the different modes and their functions. I read up on lenses and which ones to use when. Mostly I picked it up and started practicing.

Through a lot of trial and error, I figured out what made my photos brighter or darker, sharper or softer. Through reflection, I realized what made me really love one photo and toss another. 

I want you to learn too…to finally pick up that camera you bought so long ago and find out what kind of magic you can make with it. 

I’ve taken what took me years to learn and laid it out in an easy to follow online course for you. I’ll be sharing more about that in the next few weeks and how you can join me inside when the doors open. (Join the waitlist here.)

Emily at desk-learning to use your camera

But for now, if you’re itching to learn something new this year and feel more comfortable with your camera, here’s a FREE Starter’s Kit: Getting to Know Your Camera.

Until Next Time,

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Columbia, sc



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