Creating a Style and a Story

If you have an Instagram account or have just tried to put together a wall gallery in your home, then you’ve probably wondered how you could make it look better. 

How come some people’s IG feeds look so pulled together while others are a jumbled mess? How come when you step back and look at that collection of photos you just hung on the wall, you feel like it’s not what you were going for? 

I actually get questions like this a lot. People are basically asking me, “How can I get my photos to look better together?”. 

So I sat and thought about the intentional steps that I take when putting together galleries and my own IG feed, things that maybe you aren’t thinking about. I asked myself what I could teach you and what might be most helpful and here’s what I came up with. 

Creating a Style and a Story is a free mini course that I made with moms in mind. You may even have a little (or a lot) more time on your hands these days…so, let’s get those family photos in order! If you have a friend who might want to join in, go ahead and forward this email to her.

creating a style and a story cover photo

 When you sign up, you’ll get 3 video lessons from me delivered straight to your inbox in the next week.

Here’s what we’ll dive into together:

1-How to define your photo style (You’ve gotta do this first!)

2-How to quickly edit your photos to reflect that style

3-How to pull together a cohesive collection of photos

Over 100 people have already made their way through the mini course and I received such sweet emails and feedback surveys like these, that I just knew I had to share it with you too!

If you’re ready to join me, click this link or drop your email address below….then head over to your inbox and wait for that first lesson to arrive within the next 10 minutes!

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