Carving Out Time to Learn How to Use Your Camera

So how are your days looking right about now? Lots of free time for binge watching TV, DIY pedicures, and learning a new language? 


Yeah…me neither. 

In fact, all of these posts I keep seeing of moms knitting a new wardrobe for their 5 kids while their made from scratch sourdough rises in the kitchen, makes me want to find a closet to crawl into. Because that’s not going on over here. Nope, there are 3 loud kids, 2 working from home parents, and 1 crowded house. 

Do I want to learn a new language today? No, I don’t. Do I want to take a shower without little hands banging on the door? Yes, I do

So when I start talking to you about taking time to learn how to use your camera, you might be rolling your eyes and asking me the same question I have for those other moms…but how? When? With what time? 

carving out time to learn your camera

You already know that taking pictures is important, documenting these days, telling your family’s stories, catching those little in-between moments…all important. 

You also probably already know that you could do a better job of it if you knew how to use your actual camera. 

But figuring out seems overwhelming and now is not the time for overwhelm.

I agree. 

But I do think you could carve out a small chunks of time to start demystifying that heap of plastic and metal that you spent so much money on and is now collecting dust. 

In fact, I think you might actually find it to be a little fun….to sneak away and take a little time for yourself, to learn something new, and take your mind off the stress for a bit.

carving out time to learn how to use your camera

Here’s what I say…

Promise yourself 10 minutes each day. Just 10. Set a timer, even. 

Maybe it’s 10 minutes before the kids wake up (not me, not a morning person here), or 10 minutes during nap time, maybe after they go to bed or while they watch their favorite cartoon. 

Whenever..doesn’t matter…just 10

Set your camera in your lap and start to look it over. What’s the make and model? What do you already know how to do? What would you like to figure out? 

Choose one thing at a time to look into. Is there a button you don’t know how to use? Do a quick Google search of your camera and read up on it. Have you wondered what those different lenses are for? Start trying them out and notice the difference between them. 

The more you start to handle your camera, the less scary it becomes. And I’m willing to bet that those 10 minutes might turn into 15 or 20 once you get rolling. 

To get you started, I’ve put together a FREE Starter Kit for Getting to Know Your Camera. Click below to grab your copy. 

And after that 10 minutes? What then? Well, back to the chaos…the washing of the dishes, the figuring out of the homework, the frustration, the snuggles, the tears, the smiles...back to all of it. 

But for those 10 minutes, you took a little time for yourself and started chipping away at something new

Until Next Time,

P.S. Doors to my online course, Digital Camera Academy, will be opening again very soon! If you want to be the first to know, hop on the waiting list here.

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Columbia, sc



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