I often have people ask me how I got started in photography or confide in me that they are interested in giving it a try one day. They think it sounds fun or they remember loving that photography course in high school. They used to shoot film once upon a time or sometimes dream of […]
Want to know the very first thing I look for when I show up for a photo session? It’s not the scenery or the best background or even what my clients are wearing….it’s the light. I look for the light. I know that sounds like a very “photographer” thing to say, but it seriously can […]
Whenever I have my big camera in hand, I can usually count on someone stopping me to chat. Sometimes they want to tell me about that time that they tried photography or how they got a camera last Christmas, but haven’t really braved the user manual. Many times, though, they have a question they’re hoping […]
Fall is my favorite. Yeah..I know, it’s just about everyone’s favorite, but I don’t even care. I’m more than ready to trade in the hot, sweaty summer for a cool, crisp fall…ready to toss my shorts & t-shirts in favor of sweaters and boots and even ready to trade in my iced coffee for something […]
We all have that one wall….you know, the big blank one that stares at us every time we pass it. A blank wall is a lot like a blank piece of paper…the hardest part is usually getting started. One of my favorite ways to fill an empty wall is with a photo gallery. So today […]
So you get home from your trip to the beach and look through the hundreds of photos you snapped just to realize…they all look pretty much the same. Yeah, there are ones you like best and ones you like least, but over and over again you see the same background, same people, same setup. You […]
Lifestyle newborns sessions are one of my favorite things to do. I love getting to travel to my clients’ home in the weeks after their baby is born. I love getting to see the big grins on their face as they introduce me to their little one and I lean down to whisper sweet nothings […]
I know your beach plans may have been canceled or moved this year, but I still want to share this for my friends who are lucky enough to live near the coast or are able to safely visit this summer. Beach photos are my absolute favorite. If you plan it right, you can’t ask for […]
I love a rerun…I’ve watched every episode of Friends more times than I care to admit (try me with the trivia). I sometimes even like to read books over a second time. 🤷 So today I’ve got a rerun for you. I wrote this article back in January, but I found myself wanting to share […]
So how are your days looking right about now? Lots of free time for binge watching TV, DIY pedicures, and learning a new language? No??? Yeah…me neither. In fact, all of these posts I keep seeing of moms knitting a new wardrobe for their 5 kids while their made from scratch sourdough rises in the […]